Wee have focused our years of experience into perfecting these three longwool breeds thru upgrading programs using imported purebred semen. We have now reached American Purebred status within our Teeswater and Gotland programs. Both the Teeswater and the Gotland ewes have proved to be pivotal in the success of our newest adventure, the Valais Blacknose upgrading program!
Looking for more information on these breeds? Contact us below or go to the Breed Registry links.
Ready to purchase breeding stock? Great! Open our Sale pages and what we have available at the moment…we almost always have stock for sale.
And..we can assist with shipping across the US.
For friends outside our US borders…our flock is USDA Exported Certified and you can purchase and export our ewes and rams!
Valais Blacknose
This breed is making quite a fluff on social media and we too have been captivated by their unique look and gentle nature. We are proud to be the first to import genetics and have the first lambs born in the USA! At ground zero of the “worlds cutest sheep” invasion of the USA, we are working to promote and encourage the establishment of a sound breeding program not only within our growing flock here in Oregon but also as a proud Charter Member of the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society.
Our lovely Teeswater flock is the prestigious source of those mouth watering locks! As importer of the genetics that founded and built this breed in the USA, over the past decade we have worked to create one of the top flocks to be found on this continent. Having served as a past President of the ATSA and currently an active member, all our best stock is registered with the American Teeswater Sheep Association.
As the original importer of Gotland genetics into North America, and one of the oldest and largest flocks in the United States, we have stayed true to the breed standards established by its founders. Our Gotlands are known for their diverse genetic lines, stunning high luster silky wool, and sound conformation. Expect the very best examples of the breed when purchasing breeding stock from us. A proud charter member of the American Gotland Sheep Society.